Photograph 4 things that are close to you or that hold a significant meaning to you:
A person
An object
A place
A passion

This is an opportunity to visually tell about yourself, your experiences, your values, your life, your emotions, your “family”…YOU.
How can you use your media of light and photography to represent elements of your life that are significant to you. This is a chance, as an artist, to focus on your own thought or feeling as you take a moment to reflect on yourself at this point in your life.

We will create a digital wetplate in photoshop to replicate the collodion look used by Sally Mann in her photography.

In this photo I didn’t really try to overthink the subject. I just chose one of my friends to help me. Rather than trying to say that she was necessarily my friend I wanted to create more of a composition that I liked. When shooting I thought about how we would be editing the photos so i wanted to choose a location that i though would fit right. 
Much like my person one I just sorta took this straight forward. I do wish I would have made it look more like the stuffed animal was left there than just there. I just took an object that was important to me and sorta thought what might go with the rest of my photos which ere outside and natural . 
For a place that was significant it was more of a general place are rather than a specific place. Mine was nature. This is due to the fact that I grew up being outside and I love being outside because it gives me a way to sorta escape. My idea was to shoot a path and you could really see where it went to with leading lines. I wish I was able to capture more of the path. 
This was most likely my favorite picture as the composition had much more detail to it than my others. Something that I really like is photography . I wanted to create something more than just cameras and when I think of older cameras I think of books. That was my reasoning for using the books in the background. 

